Welcome to your Happiness!

Welcome to A Happier Mom; I'm so honored that you are here!

This is a 28-day journey about becoming a happier mom and finding yourself again as an individual and not just a mother. Through endless trials, I've perfected the system of living a life in balance, and it's worked so well that I even made the choice to have ANOTHER child!

So what's my story?

My name is Caroline, and I'm the mother of an 8-year-old and a 2.5-year-old. When I had my first, I decided to quit my 9-5 and stay home with him full-time because at 3 months old I just couldn't imagine leaving the little cutie. After a few months of being home all the time though, I began to wonder if I'd made a mistake...because I missed using my brain.

What I didn't miss, though was working for someone else, so I sucked it up and committed to my full-time momming, and started counting the years until kindergarten. That's of course when I expected my schedule would free up immeasurably, and I'd be dedicating 20 hours to myself every week... but the universe had other plans. 


Collectively we all had our lives put on hold in March of 2020 and we've watched our country become devastated with the loss of jobs and the loss of of life. As mothers, many of us have also seen the creation of a 24-hour mom cycle with no end in sight!

So What Now

Rather than wallow in self-pity, or wait for life to "return to normalcy", I made a conscious decision to be a happier mom every day of my life. To carve out moments for me EVERY DAY without sacrificing my family. And I now find myself with two kids and my sanity -- testament to the fact that this lifestyle WORKS! 

Why this will work for you!

It all begins with WHO YOU ARE!

  • You are a mother who loves and cares for her children
  • You are a mother with goals, dreams, and desires
  • You are a mother who is smart and educated - either in the school of life or the traditional kind
  • You are a mother who wears many hats but is always true to the woman inside

We are here now to uncover that woman...and I can't wait to meet her!

If you're as excited as me, leave a comment below!

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